Roll Up for Equity

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Righting the wrongs of the drug war using cannabis policy to allow market entry for formerly jailed.

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Cannabis Social Equity Initiatives

County of San Diego Socially Equitable Cannabis Program (SECP)



From now until March 31, 2025, the County of San Diego is accepting public comment on the draft cannabis Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

The EIR assesses potential environmental impacts of proposed regulatory changes in the County’s cannabis program. Alongside the Socially Equitable Cannabis Program, which offers support for qualified applicants to start or secure employment in cannabis businesses, these regulatory changes will be essential to opening additional cannabis businesses in the unincorporated areas of the county. Updates will include revising policies to permit new and expanded commercial cannabis operations and establishing local licensing and permitting structures for cannabis business operations.

Your input will be crucial to expanding safe access in the County and ensuring the implementation of a flourishing cannabis social equity program. Learn more and register for an upcoming public comment session here.

On May 1st, 2024, the County of San Diego adopted a Social Equity Cannabis Program (SECP) to promote equitable ownership and employment opportunities in the cannabis industry for individuals and communities most impacted by cannabis criminalization and the war on drugs.

Through the SECP, eligible applicants and businesses are authorized to participate in various licensing, technical assistance, and business development programs.

Be sure to check our calendar for upcoming community information sessions and workshops related to the SECP.

City of San Diego Cannabis Social Equity and Economic Development (SEED) Program


Unfortunately, the City’s cannabis social equity program was not funded in the FY 2024-2025 budget cycle. San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria has subsequently written a letter stating that the City will be returning the $880,000 it received in state grant funding to implement the program – funding that may not be available again. It is unclear if or when the program will be reintroduced, or in what form.

According to an assessment conducted and approved by the City of San Diego in October 2022, people of color have been disproportionately targeted by cannabis criminalization. What’s more, there are numerous barriers to entry into the legal cannabis marketplace, which is reflected by the lack of diversity present among cannabis retail ownership in the city. The SEED program proposes several code amendments that would facilitate entry into the legal cannabis marketplace, particularly for women and people of color.

City of Vista Cannabis Equity Program (CEP)


The Cannabis Equity Verification Application form is now live on the City of Vista’s website.

On October 23, 2024, the Vista City Council unanimously adopted an ordinance to create three new commercial cannabis cultivation licenses, at least one of which will be reserved for cannabis social equity applicants.

In February of 2024, the City of Vista adopted the Cannabis Equity Assessment, finding that Black Vistan’s were almost twice as likely to be arrested for cannabis-related offenses in the region relative to their total percentage of the population.

On June 25, 2024, the Vista City Council voted to adopt the draft Cannabis Equity Program Manual. Similar to other programs, the CEP creates opportunities for qualified social equity applicants to participate in the legal cannabis market through new license opportunities and financial, technical, and legal assistance services.

Be sure to check our calendar for upcoming community information sessions and workshops related to the CEP.

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Are you a medical cannabis patient, consumer, or simply a supporter of safe, equitable access in San Diego? Make your voice heard!

Hosted by San Diego Americans for Safe Access, San Diego NORML, and Blue Dream Democrats