Americans for Safe Access Not Cooley Campaign Crucial in California Attorney General Race

Americans for Safe Access Not Cooley Campaign Crucial in California Attorney General Race

Nov 3, 2010

By: Eugene Davidovich, San Diego Americans for Safe Access In a highly contested race for California Attorney General, Kamala Harris a Democrat from San Francisco successfully defeated Steve Cooley a republican from Los Angeles, making her the first woman to hold the office in the State. According to the California Secretary of State’s website with 100% of the...

Local Candidate Guide PRO MMJ or AGAINST

SAN DIEGO CITY COUNCIL DIST. 6 UNKNOWN POSITION HOWARD WAYNEDeputy Attorney General Day: (619) 384-1278 email: LORIE ZAPF Day: (858) 775-8402 email: SAN DIEGO CITY COUNCIL DIST. 8 PRO MMJ DAVID ALVAREZ Day: (760) 752-1610 email:  AGAINST MMJ FELIPE HUESODay: (619) 231-5717FAX: (619)...

Letter to Medical Cannabis Supporters

Letter to Medical Cannabis Supporters

Oct 31, 2010

The California Attorney General race — between Steve Cooley and Kamala Harris — is the most important election contest affecting medical cannabis patients. Tell your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers to get out and vote against Steve Cooley on November 2, and please help spread the word about the NOT COOLEY Facebook page: A...

Community Planners say No De-Facto Ban – Let the communities decide!

Community groups seek input on pot dispensiaries By Jen Lebron Kuhney The location of medical marijuana dispensaries should be left up to individual communities rather than have to follow blanket rules set out by the San Diego City Council, according to the city’s community planning groups. At their monthly meeting Tuesday, the groups, comprised of citizens...

Patient Advocates Launch Effort to Oppose Steve Cooley as California Attorney General

Patient Advocates Launch Effort to Oppose Steve Cooley as California Attorney General

Oct 28, 2010 highlights Cooley’s poor record on medical marijuana, the environment & equal rights Oakland, CA — The medical marijuana patient advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) stepped up its campaign this week to oppose Steve Cooley in his bid for California Attorney General. Hoping to convince Californians against voting for...

James Stacy, from Life in Prison to No Jail Time; Plea Deal Reached in Federal Medical Marijuana Case

By: Eugene Davidovich Over ninety jurors were screened and made available for two weeks, all motions filed by both sides, and today in a surprising turn of events, less than a week before trial was to begin a resolution was reached between the US Attorney’s office and the defense in the James Stacy Federal medical marijuana case. On Monday of this week, the US...

Court Support Alert – James Stacy Last Hearing Tuesday 2pm

Court Support Alert – James Stacy Last Hearing Tuesday 2pm

Oct 25, 2010

James Stacy Federal Medical Marijuana Trial Court Support Alert What: James Stacy Court Support When: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 2:00 PM Where: San Diego Federal Courthouse – Courtroom 15 – 940 Front Street San Diego, CA 92101 Please come out on Tuesday at 2pm to the Federal Courthouse to support James Stacy in his LAST hearing before the trial begins on...

RX FEST II – Sunday 4:20pm – Berkeley Ferry Boat – San Diego Maritime Museum

RX FEST II – Sunday 4:20pm – Berkeley Ferry Boat – San Diego Maritime Museum

Oct 23, 2010

This Sunday at 4:20pm if you are anywhere near San Diego, you absolutely need to stop by James Stacy’s RX FEST 2. The event will be filled with great Bands, Exhibitors, Speakers, Food, and lots of education about Cannabis! WHAT: Rx Fest 2 WHEN: Sunday – October 24, 2010 @ 4:20pm WHERE: Berkeley Ferry Boat – San Diego Maritime Museum Help raise money...

NUG Travel Writer In Custody with No Bail – Write Scotty in Jail

A message from Dion Markgraaff, Editor of Nug Magazine and former San Diego ASA Chapter Coordinator to San Diego Americans for Safe Access Members: Another member of NUG Magazine has had problems with our local law enforcement. Our travel writer Brian “Scotty B.” Whytsell ends up in jail with no bail. While in the Vons parking lot in Carlsbad, law...

ASA Advocates Take Possession of Marijuana Plants from San Diego County Sheriff

ASA Advocates Take Possession of Marijuana Plants from San Diego County Sheriff

Oct 21, 2010

By: Marcus Boyd and Eugene Davidovich, San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and her ‘fierce fight’ against medical marijuana patients suffered another devastating defeat this week. Advocates from the local chapter of Americans for Safe Access (SDASA), the nation’s largest advocacy group promoting safe and legal...

San Diego County Narcotics Task Force Detectives Open and Operate Medical Marijuana Dispensary in San Diego

San Diego County Narcotics Task Force Detectives Open and Operate Medical Marijuana Dispensary in San Diego

Oct 18, 2010

By: Eugene Davidovich, October 18, 2010 The undercover officers dubbed themselves as ‘New Management’ before detaining and interrogating unsuspecting patients walking into the dispensary that day. SAN DIEGO –Thursday morning of last week, San Diego County Narcotics Task Force (NTF) detectives arrested James Harder a founding member of the Helping Hands...

James Stacy Prosecution Continues; Federal Trial to start in November

By: Eugene Davidovich SAN DIEGO – In March of 2009, the current administration announced “they would not prosecute medical marijuana patients and providers whose actions are consistent with state medical marijuana laws.” At least that’s what the California Legislative Analyst told Californians in the voters guide for the November 2010 elections....

Dispensaries Raided on 10/6 – Two San Diego Locations Targeted

Update on Five Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Raided October 6, 2010 1. Holistic Collective – Palm Springs, CA 2. Alternative Medicine Collective – Covina, CA 3. Riverside Compassionate Wellness Center – Riverside, CA 4. San Diego Holistic Collective – San Diego, CA 5. Compassionate Medical Collective – San Diego, CA The news...

News on Wednesday October 6 Raids in Southern California

On Wednesday there were several Raids in Southern California including Riverside, San Diego, and LA Counties. Latest news coverage of the raids: LA WEEKLY: Jason Lockhart’s Pot Shops Targeted As Part Of Southern California Raids That Involve Meth, Cocaine, Tax Evasion Allegations TOP NEWS: Southern California Locations Raided by Sheriffs DESERT SUN: Local...

Attorney general debate: The innovater versus the cops’ cop

Attorney general debate: The innovater versus the cops’ cop

Oct 6, 2010

By: Rina Palta, The Informant So far, we’ve seen a lot from the candidates for governor in the upcoming election. And we’ve seen possibly even more from the two major candidates for US senate. (The phrase “ad nauseam” comes to mind.) The race for attorney general has largely fallen to the back burner. Which made today’s debate at UC-Davis between...