Veterans for a Safe San Diego endorses Stop the Ban campaign to oppose city council medical marijuana ordinance

Veterans group calls ordinance “harmful to veterans and dangerous to communities” San Diego – March 7th, 2011, Veterans for a Safe San Diego has announced today that they are endorsing the “Stop the Ban” campaign and that they are calling on the city council to amend the ordinance governing medical cannabis facilities in order to preserve safe access...

Opposition to Proposed Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ordinance to hold Press Conference at San Diego City Hall Tuesday Morning

San Diego, CA – On Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 11 am, the coalition campaign to “Stop The Ban” will be holding a press conference at San Diego City Hall to discuss the community’s opposition to the proposed ordinance regulating medical marijuana dispensaries in the City of San Diego. On March 28th the San Diego City Council will be voting on an ordinance...

Citizens Unite in Opposition to Proposed Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ordinance

Citizens Unite in Opposition to Proposed Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ordinance

Mar 3, 2011

Opposition mounts against proposed medical marijuana dispensary regulation for the City of San Diego. Over twenty local and national organizations join campaign opposing the ordinance and urging changes. San Diego, CA — On March 28th the San Diego City Council will be voting on an ordinance that will serve as a de-facto ban on medical cannabis facilities...

Stop The Ban on Medical Marijuana in San Diego

The number of letters collected and organizations participating in the campaign to Stop The Ban has resulted in the biggest effort ever organized in the city on the medical marijuana issue! If the council passes this ban it will be over the most unprecedented public outcry on any issue that the city has ever seen. Stop The Ban Campaign Facebook Page Official...

Restrictive Medical Marijuana Ordinance Continues to Spur Opposition in San Diego

Restrictive Medical Marijuana Ordinance Continues to Spur Opposition in San Diego

Mar 1, 2011

The San Diego City Council will be voting on the 28th of March, on an ordinance that will serve as a de-facto ban on medical cannabis facilities in the City of San Diego. If passed as currently written, this unduly restrictive ordinance would threaten the quality of life for some of the most vulnerable members of our community and would deny safe access for San...

San Diego Marijuana Protest, Rally and March Against Proposed Ordinance March 28 – Stop The Ban

San Diego Marijuana Protest, Rally and March Against Proposed Ordinance March 28 – Stop The Ban

Feb 22, 2011

On March 28 the City Council will be voting on the proposed ordinance to regulate medical marijuana collectives in the City of San Diego. Americans for Safe Access in collaboration with the Stop The Ban Campaign and Canvass for a Cause are calling for a rally, protest, and march! The rally will start at the Federal Courthouse located at 940 Front St. San Diego...

ASA Advocates Train County Public Defenders

ASA Advocates Train County Public Defenders

Feb 21, 2011

By: Eugene Davidovich, Americans for Safe Access On January 13th, the San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access (ASA) – the nation’s largest organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists, and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research – in collaboration with the San Diego County Public...

San Diego ASA Successfully Hosts Activist Boot Camp

by Eugene Davidovich This weekend, the San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access helped in hosted the National Activist Boot Camp. The San Diego training was held at the KNB Wine Cellars on Saturday and Sunday and was hosted by Vey Linville and Eugene Davidovich while at the same time, similar trainings were being held at over a dozen other cities...

Jovan Jackson to Remain Free on Bail While ASA Appeals His Case

By: Eugene Davidovich, San Diego Americans for Safe Access Advocates help keep a man unjustly convicted free while his case is appealed by their Chief Counsel Joe Elford. SAN DIEGO – Jovan Jackson a medical marijuana patient, Navy Veteran, and former operator of Answerdam a medical marijuana collective in San Diego, was convicted on September 28th, 2010...

East County ASA Meeting Feb 26 – 2-3pm

San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access is launching chapter meetings in the East County of San Diego! The first East County San Diego ASA Meeting will be led by Vey Linville and Eugene Davidovich on Saturday, February 26th 2011 from 2-3pm. There are many cities and municipalities in the east county of San Diego that have outright banned access to medical...

San Diego Activist Boot Camp Feb 19-20

San Diego Activist Boot Camp Feb 19-20

Feb 12, 2011

A National Call to Action! – Activist Boot Camp, February 19-20, 2011 Get registered now for the ASA Activist Boot Camp happening in San Diego! – Click Here To Register The National Call to Action is the nation’s first medical cannabis virtual skill-building conference. Re-pledge your commitment to safe and legal access by joining thousands of...

Town Hall Meeting Wednesday 7pm – Stop The Ban

Last night we held the San Diego ASA Chapter monthly meeting at the La Jolla Brew House in front of a packed, standing room only crowd! The chapter with the help of Canvass for a Cause has launched a campaign aimed at changing the restrictive ordinance to allow for safe access to remain in the City of San Diego rather than be eradicated as the current ordinance...

Advocates Hold Press Conference at City Hall To Stop The Ban

San Diegans join together to “Stop The Ban” on Medical Cannabis Patient’s Advocates and Community Groups launch the “Stop the Ban” campaign at press conference in front of San Diego City Hall on Tuesday morning. SAN DIEGO – In response to the impending de facto ban on medical cannabis facilities in San Diego, on Tuesday morning at 8am in front of...

Legal Cannabis Institute Doctor’s Office Education Night

Legal Cannabis Institute Doctor’s Office Education Night

Feb 6, 2011

Legal Cannabis Institute Presents – Doctor’s Office Education Night – Thu, February 17, 7pm – 9pm In our ongoing support of Medical Marijuana Doctors, we are offering a FREE Medical Marijuana Law class on Thursday, February 17th from 7PM to 9PM to you and your staff. The Legal Cannabis Institute is on a mission to help all medical marijuana...

Why You Need a State Issued ID Card

Why You Need a State Issued ID Card

Feb 6, 2011

By Melissa Bobrow, Esq., San Diego ASA As an activist and educator within the San Diego medical marijuana community, I hear many rumors, myths, and just plain old crazy stories. There is so much information and misinformation about medical marijuana rights and laws. So many people try to educate themselves on the topic only to become more confused, or worse...