ACLU Calls On Holder To Make Clear DOJ Will Not Prosecute People Complying With State Medical Marijuana Laws

Recent Letters Issued By U.S. Attorneys Threaten Prosecution FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: (212) 549-2666; NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union has called on U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to make clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will not prioritize prosecution of people who comply with state medical marijuana laws, in...

Protect Patients’ Right to Work – Support SB 129

The California Senate will soon vote on SB 129, a bill sponsored by Americans for Safe Access (ASA) that will protect responsible, law abiding patients from discrimination in the workplace. Can you take minute right now to call your Senator and ask him or her to support SB 129? Employers in California can fire an employee just for being a medical cannabis...

San Diego ASA May Chapter Meeting

San Diego ASA May Chapter Meeting

May 5, 2011

Attention: Patients, Collectives, and Concerned Citizens! The San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access (ASA) will be holding its MAIN San Diego Chapter Meeting at 7 pm on Tuesday May 10, 2011 at the La Jolla Brew House located at 7536 Faye Ave. San Diego CA Collective and Cooperative Directors are encouraged to attend! We will be discussing the ASA Ballot...

Oceanside Stop the Ban Letter Drive – Saturday May 7

Oceanside Stop the Ban Letter Drive – Saturday May 7

May 5, 2011

Help collect letters to Stop the Ban in Oceanside! MAY 7TH 11:30AM OCEANSIDE PIER – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Join patients, advocates and concerned citizens at the Oceanside Pier at 11:30 on Saturday May 7, 2011 in front of the Oceanside Pier Sign on the corner of North Pacific St. and Pier View Way for a day of educating Oceanside residents about the impending ban...

Patient Care Association of California – Referendum on San Diego City Council Medical Marijuana Ordiancne

Patient Care Association of California – Referendum on San Diego City Council Medical Marijuana Ordiancne

May 4, 2011

The Patient Care Association of California, a newly formed non-profit association of San Diego medical cannabis collectives and cooperatives has launched an effort to repeal the recently adopted medical marijuana ordinance through a referendum process. For more information on how to get involved with the referendum effort contact: (858) 413-7722 or email...

San Diego Medical Marijuana Advocates Participate in National Day of Action Against Federal Interference

San Diego Medical Marijuana Advocates Participate in National Day of Action Against Federal Interference

May 2, 2011

Advocates deliver “Cease and Desist” orders to the US Attorney’s office in San Diego as well as to District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ office SAN DIEGO — Monday, May 2, 2011 our community lost two more of our brothers and sisters to the failed war on drugs. Dale Schafer and Dr. Mollie Fry turned themselves over to federal agents to serve...

Monday, May 2: Order the DEA to Cease and Desist Defend Patients’ Rights!

Monday, May 2: Order the DEA to Cease and Desist Defend Patients’ Rights!

Apr 30, 2011

San Diego Patients, Activists and Friends— Join us at San Diego Federal Courthouse on Monday May 2, 2011 at 9am, when fellow community members and local activists will be delivering ASA’s Cease and Desist to the US Attorney’s Office, local DEA offices, and San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ office. WHAT: CEASE AND DESIST WHEN: Monday 9am May...

Medical Marijuana Raids San Diego

This morning with the support and approval of San Diego County District Attorney (DA) Bonnie Dumanis and in collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), swat style raids were perpetrated in both San Diego and Riverside Counties. As soon as the local chapter was notified of the raids the SD ASA Raid Response team was activated and several members...

Medical Marijuana Advocates Threaten to Sue if San Diego Fails to Amend Flawed Ordinance

New law shuts down more than 100 operating facilities & leaves virtually no options for relocation San Diego, CA — Medical marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) threatened to file suit against the City of San Diego today if it doesn’t amend a recent ordinance that patient advocates are calling a de-facto ban on local...

Dale Schafer and Dr. Mollie Fry: Ask President Obama to Grant Clemency For Patients Caught in the Cross Fire

Dr. Mollie Fry and her husband Dale Schafer live in Cool, California with their family until May 2nd, when they will be forced to serve 5 years each in federal prison. Mollie and Dale are both qualified patients who use cannabis therapeutically. They should never have been tried in federal court let alone sent to prison for helping patients. Ask Obama to grant...

Sick and Tired Campaign

President Obama, We are Sick and Tired, but Doing Our Part! ASA National is launching the “Sick and Tired” Campaign. Your participation in this campaign will send a clear message to President Obama from the medical cannabis community: We are sick and tired. We are suffering from chronic or debilitating conditions, and we are weary of false promises that do...

Action Alert: Call The Mayor Today Urge him to Veto

Action Alert: Call The Mayor Today Urge him to Veto

Apr 21, 2011

Patients, Friends, and Activists– Earlier this month, over the most unprecedented public opposition to an ordinance the City Council has seen to date, they voted for a second time to approve an ordinance that the forces all collectives currently operating in the city to shutter their doors, taking away access to medical cannabis from over 50,000...

Oceanside Ban Headed To Court – City Council to Discuss on 4/20

On 4/20/2011 at the regularly scheduled Council Meeting in Oceanside, the Oceanside City Council will be discussing a lawsuit against two medical marijuana collectives within their city’s limits. Oceanside is one of the municipalities within San Diego County that has had a moratorium on collectives since May of 2009. The city under the guise of updating their...

Press Release: Stop The Ban IB officially begins letter writing campaign, with amazing response

Press Release: Stop The Ban IB officially begins letter writing campaign, with amazing response

Apr 17, 2011

Imperial Beach, CA – On Saturday, April 16th, organizers and volunteers from the Stop The Ban IB campaign kicked off a grassroots effort to collect letters from concerned citizens in Imperial Beach who feel strongly against the direction taken by city leaders to ban safe access to medical marijuana for the city’s legitimate Prop.215 patients, some of...

San Diego ASA – Volunteers Urgently Needed This Weekend!

San Diego ASA – Volunteers Urgently Needed This Weekend! This Sunday, April 17th we are requesting volunteers to help get signatures on letters to the San Diego Mayor at Earth Day, urging him to veto the newly enacted ordinance that forces every collective in the city of San Diego to shutter its doors. Mayor Jerry Sanders has the ability to veto this...