Bonnie Dumanis Protest – Success!

Thank you to ALL who came out for the Bonnie Dumanis protest yesterday! The message was sent clearly to our DA that the San Diego Community will not tolerate the continued subversion of state law. Thanks as always to our dedicated photographer William West. Regards, Eugene...

Protest / Rally against Bonnie Dumanis 12/15 – 5-7pm

Where: The Shapery Emerald Plaza Building, 400 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 When: December 15, 2009 5:00pm – 7:30pm (please come a little early) Please join us for a peaceful and legal protest against the San Diego District Attorney Bonie Dumanis on Tuesday December 15th from 5pm to 7pm. Dumanis is holding a fundraiser for her reelection campaign at...

Americans for Safe Access – Return of Property

Thank you for your interest in the Return of Property campaign and in joining in solidarity with other patients and caregivers throughout California to demand that your illegally confiscated medicine be returned by the court. Filing a Motion for Return of Property will not only help you get your property back, but will also send a clear message to law...

KUSI News Coverage

Many beleive that the DA is not supporting state law and patient’s rights to safe access. In fact a majority of San Diegan’s believe that even though Ms. Dumanis has made statements in support of Medical Marijuana, her intention is still to rid the county of it.. KUSI reported the Jovan Jackson story correctly on 12/2/09 in all of their evening...



Dec 13, 2009

Previously KUSI News Channel 9 San Diego has provided fair and balanced reporting on the issue of Medical Cannabis. On December second after Mr. Jackson’s trial KUSI correctly stated the charges against Mr. Jackson. This morning however, in an error that has stirred up more controversy over the issue, in error Ms. Dumanis was asked by a reporter whether...

Medical Marijuana Recommendations – January 5th (moved from Jan 4th)

January 4th Meeting MOVED to January 5th! According to the City. January 4th meeting where the City Council was going to hear the recommendations, has been moved to January 5th. No official time has yet been announced. Please plan to come out on the 5th of January at 202 C St San Diego, CA 92101 and support your San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force as they...

Update on Tuesday’s City Council Meeting

The San Diego City Council met on Tuesday and in attendance to speak in opposition of regulations, there were over 50 people organized by Judy Strang and Kathy Lippet from a local county funded organization called HARM. These misinformed members of a small hate driven group were comparing MMJ patients to sex offenders and spreading lies and propaganda. Thank you...

San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force Recommends Regulations – December 8

December 8, 2009 at the San Diego City Council meeting scheduled to be heard after 2pm, the San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force will be presenting its recommendations to the San Diego City Council. Please come out and support the San Diego City Council as they take a very important step in providing Safe Access for patients to their physician recommended...

Medical Marijuana Task Force Recommendations – Explained

Medical Marijuana Task Force Recommendations – Explained

Dec 2, 2009

By: Eugene Davidovich, 12/12/2009 In October of this year the San Diego City Council voted to establish a Medical Marijuana Task Force to advise the council on: (1) guidelines for medical marijuana patients and primary caregivers; (2) guidelines for the structure and operation of medical marijuana cooperatives and/or collectives; and (3) guidelines for police...

Mr. Jackson NOT GUILTY

The jury returned this morning at 11:30 with the NOT GUILTY verdict on ALL counts related to medical marijuana in the case of People V. Jackson. Today is both a historic and victorious day for all patients and concerned citizens in San Diego. We all extend a sincere thank you to Jovan for his fight and for his victory. Medical Marijuana is Medicine and...


In the case of Jovan Jackson the Jury will be returning with the verdict at 11:30 am this morning in Department 33 of the San Diego Superior Court at 220 W Broadway San Diego, CA 92101-3886 Come out and SUPPORT JOVAN AS HE FIGHTS FOR OUR RIGHTS!!

Jury is Deliberating in Jovan Jackson MMJ Trial

By: Eugene Davidovich The courtroom was packed this morning when the prosecution started the day by presenting an additional witness. The property manager for the building in which Answerdam Alternative Care Collective was located was called to the stand. The witness said that there was in fact a collective called Answerdam and that it was located in that...

COURT SUPPORT – Jovan Jackson Trial Closing Arguments

Dear San Diego Medical Cannabis Community Members, Concerned Citizens, and patients! Tomorrow morning November 30, 2009 the closing arguments and jury deliberations begin in the case of Jovan Jackson. This is one of the most important cases in the history of medical cannabis in San Diego because for the first time the jury in this case will be hearing and will...

San Diego Hypocrisy & Medical Marijuana Distribution on Trial

November 25th, 2009 Posted by Kris Hermes This story would be amusing if it wasn’t so tragic. The Answerdam Alternative Care Collective (AACC) was a medical marijuana dispensary in San Diego. It was doing the best it could to comply with the law: it was collectively run, it did not make a profit, it verified its member...

Jovan Jackson Trial UPDATE – Day 7

By: Eugene Davidovich 11/25/09, 3:50pm This afternoon marks day 7 of the Medical Marijuana Trial of Jovan Jackson and the defenses turn to present evidence and witnesses to the Jury. The morning began with the testimony from James Pitts, a San Diego Deputy District Attorney and member of the Answerdam Collective. His testimony was brief and uneventful, much like...