Nathan Archer Court Support – Jan 26th – 9am

Nathan Archer Court Support – Jan 26th – 9am

Jan 25, 2010

Nathan Archer needs your support, lets pack the courtroom! By: Eugene Davidovich January 26, 2010 – Department 12 San Diego Superior Court 220 W. Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 As part of the ongoing war against medical marijuana in San Diego waged by the District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, Nathan Archer was arrested in 2006 and charged with cultivation of 98...

UPDATE: People V. Davidovich

The prosecutor in my case is Ms. Theresa Pham, a local Deputy District Attorney that seems to be reporting to and getting her marching orders directly from Bonnie Dumanis in this case. In fact several other Deputy DA’s are working for her on this case, including Romil Tohidi and a number graduate law clerks that have now been retained by th prosecution to...

Report on the San Diego City Medical Marijuana Task Force for 01/21/10

By MMTF Member Larry Sweet Chief Solis and Captain McDonald attended and were the sole action item for the MMTF today. While both insisted that they followed the AG Guidelines, their interpretations were rather rigid. They objected to: 1. Anyone with a recommendation can join a collective making MMJ too available to non MMJ interests 2. Not enough clear...

California Supreme Court Strikes Limits for Medical Marijuana Patients

Exemption from arrest and prosecution upheld for state-issued ID cardholders San Francisco, CA — The California Supreme Court issued a unanimous published decision today in People v. Kelly, striking down what it considered unconstitutional legislative limits on how much medical marijuana patients can possess and cultivate. Today’s decision also...

Medical Cannabis Patient Gets Her Bongs Back in San Diego

Medical Cannabis Patient Gets Her Bongs Back in San Diego

Jan 20, 2010

Tiffani Kjeldergaard a legitimate medical cannabis patient in January of 2009 was sentenced to probation on a non drug related offense. She continued to use her legal medication and tested positive for THC on drug tests conducted by the probation department until June of 2009, when the probation department decided to stop by her house for a safety check. As with...

Raid Victim Received Approval for Return of Property

September 9, 2009 – Operation Green Rx victim Sebastian Maselli receives order for Return of Property! Sebastian Maselli was a founding member of Healing Dragon Collective which was raided on September 9, 2009 part of Bonnie Dumanis’ effort to eradicate safe access to medical marijuana in San Diego County. He was arrested, property seized, and life...

San Diego North County ASA Meeting

Join us for the San Diego North County Americans for Safe Access Meeting at Movement in Action in Vista at 7pm!! WHERE: 1050 S. Santa Fe Vista ca 92084 WHEN: 7-9pm tonight January 15, 2010 WHY: Because San Diego Medical Marijuana Community / Safe Access is under attack by the fierce fight of Bonnie Dumanis! Come out, Get Involved, Make a difference! Eugene...

The Cultural Wars Continue in San Diego

By: Rocky Neptun A seemingly dysfunctional San Diego City Council voted 7 to 1 on January 5, to stall many more months deciding the mere basics of regulating medical marijuana dispensaries by rejecting the modest recommendations of its own task force. The transparency of its motives in setting up the task force rather than having staff prepare ordinances, shows...

New Jersey legislature approves medical marijuana bill

(CNN) — The New Jersey legislature voted Monday to make that state the 14th in the country to approve marijuana for medicinal use, pending the governor’s signature. Gov. Jon Corzine, who leaves office next week, has said he would sign the bill. Two years after the bill was introduced to the legislature, the New Jersey Compassionate Medical Marijuana...

CA Cops Must Return 60 Pounds of Medical Marijuana

The outcome of legal victories by Americans for Safe Access (ASA) could be seen again last week, when Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge William Sterling ruled that the California Highway Patrol (CHP) must return sixty pounds of medical cannabis confiscated during a traffic stop. ASA successfully sued the CHP to stop illegal confiscation of medical cannabis...

Jovan Jackson – Update on Preliminary Hearing

Today Jovan Jackson went into court for the Preliminary hearing in the second trial against him where he is charged with the same exact felonies related to medical marijuana this time however from the 9/9/9 raids. Although I could not make the hearing, members of Americans for Safe Access including Marcus Boyd and James Stacy were there to support him. Chris...

Operation Endless Summer / Green Rx Grant

As part of San Diego American’s for Safe Access continuing efforts to Stop Operation Green Rx a SD ASA member today presented us with a document, which can be found on the city’s website here: This document talks about a $342,590 grant that was used to pay for...

Medical Cannabis Patient on Probation Forced to get County MMJ Card

By: Eugene Davidovich, January 7, 2010 Tiffani Kjeldergaard a legitimate medical cannabis patient in January of 2009 was sentenced to probation on a non drug related offense. She continued to use her legal medication and tested positive for THC on drug tests conducted by the probation department until June of 2009 when the probation department decided to stop by...

Jovan Jackson Sentencing Interview / Update

Mr. Jackson of Answerdam Collective is a legitimate medical cannabis patient and victim of two Operation Green Rx raids, part of Bonnie Dumanis’ effort to eradicate medical cannabis from San Diego. The first raid occurred in August of 2008, the second on September 9, 2009. Last month, Mr. Jackson was tried and vindicated of felony charges related to the first...

City Council Refers Medical Marijuana Recommendations to Land Use and Housing

Today the San Diego City Council voted to in favor of passing the recommendations of the San Diego Medical Marijuana Task force to the Land Use and Housing Committee for their input. The vote was 7-1 in favor of the issue. At the start of today’s council session, representatives from Americans for Safe Access were at the city council meeting and spoke during...