UCSD – Medical Cannabis Report, Commissioned by State, to be Released TODAY

UCSD – Medical Cannabis Report, Commissioned by State, to be Released TODAY

Feb 17, 2010

Medical Cannabis Report, Commissioned by State, to be Released Tuesday, February 16, 2010 SACRAMENTO – In 1999, the California Legislature and Governor enacted Senate Bill 847 (Vasconcellos), which commissioned the University of California to establish a scientific research program to expand the scientific knowledge on purported therapeutic usages of medical...

Medical marijuana dispensary ordered to “cease and desist”

Andrea Verdin Staff Writer, February 16th, 2010. Fallbrook Bonsai Village News http://www.thevillagenews.com/story/45488/ Fallbrook’s medical marijuana dispensary has shut its doors after being served with a cease and desist order by the county. According to Fallbrook Sheriff’s substation commander Lt. Phil Brust, Mother Earths Alternative Healing...

Operation Green Rx victim Sebastian Maselli receives order for Return of Property

Eugene Davidovich, Nug Magazine Sebastian Maselli, a founding member of Healing Dragon Collective, suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), chronic back, knee, and joint pain, all as a result of his military service with the US Marine Corps. Sebastian writes “The Marine Corps definitely kept me in good physical shape, but at a cost”. “While in...

The S.E.P.T.I.C. System – Bonnie DA Mantis

The S.E.P.T.I.C. System – Bonnie DA Mantis

Feb 14, 2010

By: Eugene Davidovich, NUG Magazine The fierce fight against medical marijuana in San Diego commonly referred to as Operation Green Rx that District Attorney (DA) Bonnie Dumanis has been waging for years, has resulted in thousands of San Diego Citizens outraged at the fraud, waste, and abuse of power within her office. One such outraged citizen is Marcus Boyd of...

Medical Marijuana Week 2010

Saturday, February 13th, through Sunday, February 21st Every year, Medical Marijuana Week focuses public attention on the need for safe access to medical marijuana. Activists and organizations across the country use Medical Marijuana Week to educate the community and get active. ASA allies, chapters, affiliates, ambassadors, and activists hold events and...

215 Party TONIGHT at 6pm!

Join us for the 215 party tonight from 6pm to midnight! See you all this Saturday in Vista at the 215 Party! See the event Flier: http://www.safeaccesssd.com/p/215-party.html WHERE: 1050 S. Santa Fe Rd. Vista, CA WHEN: Saturday February 13, 2010 6pm – 12am There will be several great Reggae bands performing, amazing prizes, good food, and great times! This is...

Rudy Reyes; Activist, Patient, Politician

Rudy Reyes; Activist, Patient, Politician

Feb 12, 2010

By: Eugene Davidovich On October 26, 2003, the Cedar wildfire was raging through the San Diego County, claiming over a dozen lives and taking with it thousands of homes. Many believe the fire caused the worse damage in the history of San Diego County. According to Wikipedia, “The Cedar Fire burned 280,278 acres (1,134.2 km2) 2,820 buildings (including 2,232...

CityBeat Covers Extravaganja

Videos from Extravaganja! By: Dave Maass The San Diego chapter of Americans for Safe Access forewent its monthly meeting and instead threw an “Extravaganja” comedy fundraiser to assistant in the legal efforts to protect patients’ access to medical cannabis. Read...

ExtravaGanja a huge success!

The comedy show tonight was a huge success! The MMJ community packed the house at the La Jolla comedy store. Thank you to everyone who came out! Special thanks to Howard Dover, Rob Van Dam, the other comedians, and the La Jolla Comedy Store for their support and help in raising money for San Diego ASA! http://www.howarddover.com/ http://robvandam.com/ See you...

Comedy Show TONIGHT! La Jolla Comedy Store

Comedy Show TONIGHT! La Jolla Comedy Store

Feb 9, 2010

Medical Marijuana ExtravaGANJA! TONIGHT FEB 9, Doors Open 8:30pm La Jolla Comedy Store 916 Pearl St. La Jolla, CA 92037 Howard Dover, The Comedy Store, San Diego Americans for Safe Access and NUG Magazine presents a night of comedy! (This event is being held instead of the monthly ASA MEETING. The monthly ASA meeting will NOT be held TONIGHT, 2010 at the Mt....

Jovan Jackson, Victim of Collateral Estoppel and Discriminatory Prosecution

Jovan Jackson, Victim of Collateral Estoppel and Discriminatory Prosecution

Feb 7, 2010

By: Eugene Davidovich Jovan Jackson of Answerdam Collective is a medical cannabis patient, navy veteran, and victim of two Operation Green Rx raids, part of District Attorney (DA) Bonnie Dumanis’ effort to overturn Proposition 215 and eradicate safe access to medical cannabis in San Diego. The first raid on Answerdam occurred in August of 2008, the second...

People v. Kelly: What Does it Mean for Patients?

Part 1 of 2: Law Enforcement Encounters The California Supreme Court issued a unanimous published decision in People v. Kelly, striking down what it considered unconstitutional legislative limits on how much medical marijuana patients can possess and cultivate. The decision also affirms protection from arrest and prosecution for patients who both possess a...

Report on San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force – 2/5/2010

By Larry Sweet The MMTF today considered the ramifications of the Kelly decision. It became clear that the local limits to possession and plants needed to be reviewed. A sub-committee was formed and four MMTF members will go over the current ordinances and bring back recommendations to the group in two weeks. The issue of auditing and sufficient declaration of...

Uptown Community Planning Committee Meeting

Uptown Community Planning Committee Meeting

Jan 31, 2010

February 2, 2010 – 6:00-9:00 p.m. Joyce Beers Community Center 3900 Vermont Street San Diego, CA 92103 On Tuesday February 2, 2010 the Uptown Community Planning Committee (CPC) will discuss the request by the city council of the planning group to review and comment on the medical marijuana task force recommendations. The Uptown CPC will vote on recommending...

San Diego ASA Directs its Attention to County Prevention Plan

By: Terrie Best Further to San Diego Americans for Safe Access (SDASA) ongoing efforts to reach out to County Alcohol and Drug Services in its oversight of HARM, the County contracted organization that year after year lobbies against safe access in San Diego, members of SDASA attended the Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board (ADAB) meeting to speak during public...