Apr 22, 2010
Today the Federal reset the motion hearing date to May 19th at 10:30am in Courtroom 15. 940 Front St. San Diego CA 92101 This will be the day the judge makes his ruling on the motion for a medical defense in Federal Court. The Judge cancelled the April 26 Trial Date, and said he would not set the court date as the length of the trial and preparation would depend...
Apr 21, 2010
4/21/2010 – 3pm (Court 15) – SD Federal Courthouse – 940 Front St. SD CA 92101 How you can help James Stacy Today: 1. Come to Court today on 4/21/2010 – 3pm (Courtroom 15) – San Diego Federal Courthouse – 940 Front St. San Diego CA 92101 2. Help HR 3939 Pass! This is new Federal Legislation known as the “Truth in Trials” act, which would allow...
TODAY on 4/20 COME SEE the Medical Marijuana ExtravaGANJA –at the La Jolla Comedy Store Doors Open 8:30pm – Show starts at 9pm! La Jolla Comedy Store 916 Pearl St. La Jolla, CA 92037 Howard Dover, The Comedy Store, San Diego Americans for Safe Access and NUG Magazine presents a night of comedy! This is a 21+ Event. Watch Videos from San Diego City Beat...
DEA PROTEST TODAY – 12-2pm San Diego Federal Courthouse – 940 Front St. San Diego CA Over the past two months, the DEA has raided medical marijuana laboratories and cultivators in Colorado and Hawaii. To make matters worse, the federal government has assisted local law enforcement in dozens of other raids in California, Colorado, and Michigan. U.S. Senator...
North County San Diego ASA Meeting tonight! From 7:00pm – 8:30pm WHERE: 950 E. Vista Way Vista, Ca 92084 (Suite A2) What to expect: · Latest National News on Medical Marijuana · San Diego County Ordinance Update · San Diego City Ordinance / Medical Marijuana Task Force Update · “Code Compliance Visits” Update · People V. Davidovich Trial Update ·...
James Stacy, a legitimate medical cannabis patient and founding member of Movement in Action Collective which was raided on 9/9/9 by Bonnie Dumanis and her Cross Jurisdictional Narcotics Task Force (NTF) is facing Federal charges and the possibility of life in prison for simply following state law. Last year an undercover detective came in to the collective...
Apr 15, 2010
Famous marijuana activist and author Jack Herer, “The Emperor of Hemp,” died Thursday morning at 11:07 Pacific time Jack Herer (1939-2010) “Jack deserves kudos for having publicized the benefits of cannabis hemp in his classic book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes,” said Dale Gieringer of California NORML. “He also labored long and...
By: Eugene Davidovich, 4/14/2010 SAN DIEGO – On April 13th the San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access held their monthly meeting at the Pt. Loma Public Library. The location was great! A state of the art conference room that fits over 120 people, with comfy modern chairs, and perfect lighting. The problem was getting into the actual room on...
Our monthly meeting will be held TODAY from 6:00PM-7:30pm – 4/13/2010 at the Pt. Loma Public Library located on 3701 Voltaire Street San Diego, CA 92107 WHAT: Monthly San Diego ASA Meeting WHEN: April 13, 2010 – 6pm – 7:30pm WHERE: Pt. Loma Public Library – 3701 Voltaire Street San Diego, CA 92107 What to expect: Latest National News on Medical...
Oppose AB 2650 – Protect patients’ access statewide April 10th, 2010, Posted by Don Duncan On Tuesday (April 13, 2010) , the California Assembly Committee on Public Health will discuss AB 2650, bill that would require that medical cannabis collectives, cooperatives, and growers be located at least 1,000 feet away from a laundry list of “sensitive uses”...
Davidovich: My Medical Marijuana Case Continues Post-Trial SDNN – 4/9/2010 In a resounding defeat of San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, a jury of 12 on March 25 found me not guilty on all counts, after less than four hours of deliberation. The jurors unanimously determined that I acted lawfully and in accordance with state law when it came to all...
By: Tiffani Kjeldergaard Medical Marijuana patient and “Pot Farmer” (as the San Diego sheriffs office stated in their press release June 20, 2009), Potrero resident Tiffani Kjeldergaard went to court, April 2, 2010 to request her medical marijuana medicine be returned from San Diego’s District Attorney. Kjeldergaard was arrested on June 20, 2009 for...
Sends Demand Letter Seeking to Fix Serious Violations in Proposal The County of San Diego has long demonstrated hostility and resistance to California’s medical marijuana laws. In a proposed new ordinance, it continues to resist the lawful will of the people. The ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties today sent a demand letter to the county’s Department...
TODAY, we need everyone to email the below letter to all of the following email addresses: joseph.farace@sdcounty.ca.gov dplu@sdcounty.ca.gov Greg.cox@sdcounty.ca.gov dianne.jacob@sdcounty.ca.gov Pam.slater@sdcounty.ca.gov ron-roberts@sdcounty.ca.gov bill.horn@sdcounty.ca.gov Although the official Public Input deadline has passed, we still have time to let the...