Grand Jury Medical Marijuana Report – 2010 – San Diego

After months of investigation and inquiry, the San Diego Grand Jury has finally issues their report on the Medical Marijuana Issue in San Diego. The Grand Jury has made a number of recommendations to the San Diego District Attorney, The Sheriff, and the County Board of Supervisors. The Grand Jury’s recommendations: The 2009/2010 San Diego County Grand Jury...

San Diego Workshop & Gathering with Steph Sherer

San Diego Workshop & Gathering with Steph Sherer

Jun 6, 2010

Meet the spike; Pacific Beach mother of two worries that medi-pot shops harm kids

By John R. Lamb, San Diego CITYBEAT “We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them.” —William Arthur Ward Less than a mile from at least eight medical-marijuana collectives, Marcie Beckett lives in the same modest Pacific Beach home she grew up in with six brothers and sisters. President of her early-’70s...

Another way to help the cause. Hire an activist. Community outreach

I frequently hear the complaint from the prohibitionist that “MMJ patients appear to be healthy, therefore they are exploiting a law intended to provide solace to the terminally ill.” Well, forget the argument that this is a testament to the effectiveness of our medication as it will be ignored. Don’t even try to remind them that not all ailments...

Calif. bill bans medical pot stores near schools

SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Medical marijuana storefronts would be banned within 600 feet of a school in legislation intended to shield children from drugs. The bill, AB 2650, was approved Thursday by the state Assembly. Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan says the bill seeks to protect children while allowing the legal operation of medical dispensaries. Many cities already...

ASA appeals LA zoning interpretation

ASA appeals LA zoning interpretation

May 31, 2010

Americans for Safe Access (ASA) filed an appeal of the Zoning Administrator’s interpretation of the new medical cannabis ordinance in Los Angeles on Friday. The appeal challenges the Zoning Administrator’s position on parking and nonconforming use status for medical cannabis collectives. In an interpretation published on May 6, Zoning Administrator Michael...

Medical Marijuana Regulations in San Diego – PS&NS Meeting Today

THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO will be meeting TODAY – May 26, 2010 at 2pm to hear reports from the San Diego City Attorney and the Independent Budget Analyst about the San Diego Medical Marijuana Recommendations. This morning the San Diego Union Tribune article said “A committee of...

News Brief: UPDATE TO: Keeping Scales in Compliance for Medical Cannabis Trade in San Diego

Marcus Boyd and Eugene Davidovich, San Diego Americans for Safe Access Hello everyone and welcome back to another San Diego Americans for Safe Access news brief. Today we bring you an update to our last news brief titled “Keeping Scales in Compliance for Medical Cannabis Trade in San Diego”. After releasing the information last weekend in that news brief,...

Congress Tries to Stop Denial of Banking Services to Medical Marijuana Providers

Congress Tries to Stop Denial of Banking Services to Medical Marijuana Providers

May 25, 2010

Washington, DC — Fifteen Members of Congress sent a letter Friday to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urging him to issue “written guidance for financial institutions,” which would commit the Department to not targeting those institutions whose account holders are in compliance with state medical marijuana laws. The patient advocate group...

San Diego City Attorney and Budget Analyst Report on Medical Marijuana

The Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhood Services of The City Council of the City of San Diego, will be meeting on May 26, 2010 at 2pm to hear a report (AGENDA ITEM 10) from the San Diego City Attorney and the Independent Budget Analyst about the San Diego Medical Marijuana Recommendations. The community needs to be there in FULL FORCE to help educate and...

San Diego Office IBA Issues Report on Medical Marijuana Regulatory Structure Cost and Fees

Eugene Davidovich, San Diego Americans for Safe Access SAN DIEGO – The Office of the Independent Budget Analyst (IBA) on May 24, 2010 issued a 15 page report (IBA Report 10-45) on the Medical Marijuana Medical Marijuana Regulatory Structure Costs and Fees. “This report will expand upon the discussion within (IBA Report 10-15) with specific...

Riverside Medical Marijuana Collective Stays Open While Tackling Lawsuit

Riverside Medical Marijuana Collective Stays Open While Tackling Lawsuit

May 23, 2010

By: Lanny Swerdlow As many of you know from the article in the Press Enterprise and from the medical marijuana grapevine, the THCF Medical Clinic and the Inland Empire Patients Health and Wellness Center were served with a lawsuit asserting that we are in violation of a zoning ordinance in the city of Riverside that bans the distribution of medicinal marijuana....

Keeping Scales in Compliance for Medical Cannabis Trade in San Diego

By: Eugene Davidovich and Marcus Boyd SAN DIEGO – In a continuing effort to keep the community safe and in compliance with all possible state, city, and county laws, today we will be discussing the San Diego County requirements for scales and their use at dispensing collectives throughout San Diego. First we want to thank every single collective and...

San Diego ASA News Brief – James Stacy Federal Trial

Listen to Today’s San Diego Americans for Safe Access News Brief! Marcus Boyd and Eugene Davidovich discuss James Stacy Federal Case, National ASA Press Release, and the Truth in Trials Act...

Interview and Update – Federal Medical Marijuana Case – James Stacy

an Diego – The courtroom was packed with James Stacy’s supporters today in San Diego Federal Court, in fact several people had to wait outside of the courtroom as there wasn’t enough seats to accommodate all the supporters. Federal Public Defender Kasha Castillo filed a motion asking for a defense in Mr. Stacy’s case. The judge after hearing a few brief...