Imperial Beach refuses to implement recommendations of the Grand Jury

By: Eugene Davidovich, Marcus Boyd (San Diego Americans for Safe Access) In 1996 California voters passed proposition 215 which legalized marijuana for medical use in the state. Back then, our county officials vowed to fight against medical marijuana, and fourteen years later, in the County of San Diego this fight is still in full swing. Legitimate state card...

De-Facto Ban in San Diego County – KUSI News Coverage

KUSI Channel 9, ran a story last night about the San Diego County Board of Supervisors vote to enact a de-facto ban on medical marijuana collective facilities in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County. (this ordinance does not apply to the City of San Diego) This new measure applies to unincorporated part of San Diego County, places like Borrego Springs,...

Collateral Estoppel Motion Denied in Jovan Jackson Case

Collateral Estoppel Motion Denied in Jovan Jackson Case

Jun 25, 2010

Today in San Diego Superior Court, the Honorable Judge Shore in front of at least a dozen of Mr. Jackson’s supporters, considered a motion to dismiss the case against Jovan Jackson based on the doctrine of “Collateral Estoppel.” Judge Shore denied the motion and based on the fact that the second trial stems from events on a different...


By: Eugene Davidovich, San Diego Americans for Safe Access SAN DIEGO – Today June 23rd, 2010, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors adopted a de facto ban on medical marijuana collective facilities. Although this ordinance does not directly affect regulations in the City of San Diego or the work of the San Diego City Council on the issue, today’s...

SD County attempts to pass De Facto Ban on Medical Marijuana Facilities

SAN DIEGO – Wednesday, June 23, 2010, at 9am the San Diego County Board of Supervisors will meet to discuss and vote on a proposed ordinance regulating medical marijuana facilities in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County. The proposed ordinance severely limits patients’ access to medical marijuana in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County....

Cultivation Charges Dismissed in Gasper Medical Marijuana Case

Cultivation Charges Dismissed in Gasper Medical Marijuana Case

Jun 21, 2010

By: Eugene Davidovich, San Diego ASA SAN DIEGO – In another resounding defeat for San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and her fierce fight against medical marijuana in San Diego, the Honorable Judge Frederick Maguire today in Superior Court dismissed charges of cultivation of marijuana in the case of People v. Benjamin Gasper. Mr. Gasper was charged...

Child Welfare Services Update from Larry Sweet

By Larry Sweet, SDASA I have been somewhat reluctant to respond to the many negative references to Child Welfare Services (CWS) in San Diego, since I fully understand that there are few events in the history of a family that can be as devastating as having a child removed from the parents’ custody. I worked for CWS in San Diego for 14 years, the majority of...

Medical Marijuana and Child Custody

In the last few weeks we have received a number of inquiries pertaining to child custody, Child Welfare Services, and medical marijuana. Americans for Safe Access has gathered and compiled information for patients affected by child custody issues as well as information on how to demonstrate that you are a good...

Medical Marijuana Regulations – County Board to Vote on Ordinance

Medical Marijuana Regulations – County Board to Vote on Ordinance

Jun 15, 2010

On June 23, 2010 at 9am at 1600 Pacific Highway (Room 310) in San Diego, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors will be voting on a proposed ordinance that would regulate medical marijuana collectives and cooperatives in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County. READ THE ENTIRE AGENDA ITEM AND PROPOSED ORDINANCE DETAILS...

Federal Medical Marijuana Trial – James Stacy – Court Support TODAY

Join Steph Sherer, Executive Director and Don Duncan the California Director of Americans for Safe Access in Federal Court today to support James Stacy in his federal Medical Marijuana Trial. What: Federal hearing on whether dispensary operator James Stacy can use medical marijuana and state law as a defense at trial When: MONDAY, June 14, 2010 at 2:00pm Where:...



Jun 12, 2010

AMERICANS FOR SAFE ACCESS – JOIN STEPH SHERER FOR A STRATEGY & NETWORKING WORKSHOP Sunday, June 13, 1-4pm -Please RSVP at: ASA is hosting a training and networking gathering on Sunday, June 13, 2010 from 1 to 4pm in San Diego. The purpose of this meeting is to bring medical cannabis leaders, and activists...



Jun 11, 2010

Tonight from 7pm-9pm come out to Vista and join patients and concerned citizens for the North County San Diego ASA Meeting. We have a great meeting planned for tonight with lots of new information about the San Diego County and City medical marijuana regulations as well as the newly release Grand Jury Report! If you missed the last two ASA meeting this week,...

South Bay ASA Meeting – 6/10/2010

South Bay ASA Meeting – 6/10/2010

Jun 10, 2010

SAN DIEGO SOUTH BAY AMERICANS FOR SAFE ACCESS MEETING TONIGHT This will be the first South Bay San Diego ASA meeting. The meeting will be held from 6pm-7pm at 1233 Palm Avenue in Imperial Beach hosted by SDASA Advisory Board Member Marcus Boyd. We have a great meeting lined up with information and updates regarding the San Diego Grand Jury report and well as the...

Medical Marijuana Patient Cole Shielly – Emergency Court Support Request

URGENT COURT SUPPOR REQUESTED – 6/9/2010 Tomorrow, June 10th at 1:30pm in Department 11 – 220 W Broadway, San Diego CA – Cole Shielly, a medical marijuana card carrying patient, will be arraigned for Possession and Possession with Intent to Sell. It appears that late Monday night early Tuesday morning Cole, with a friend, ran into car trouble in...



Jun 7, 2010