Working for Reform in Imperial Beach

Working for Reform in Imperial Beach

Mar 14, 2012

by: Marcys Boyd, Imperial Beach Americans for Safe Access To put the needs of sick and dying patients ahead of politics in Imperial Beach, we need people committed to reform in our local community. Medical marijuana is an important local compassionate use issue, an issue that local officials have attempted to govern using a ridiculous, county sponsored,...

Americans for Safe Access Monthly Activist Newsletter – March 2012

Americans for Safe Access Monthly Activist Newsletter – March 2012

Mar 10, 2012

ASA Activist Newsletter: March 2012 Calif. Appeals Courts Rule on Dispensaries; Nevada Distribution Rules Unconstitutional; Rhode Island to OK Dispensaries; Coalition Fights Feds in San Francisco; Transplant Denial Subject of Expose; Activists Speak Out in Week of Action. In This Issue: California Appeals Courts Issue Dispensary Rulings Judge...

Cannabis Cooking with Kim

Cannabis Cooking with Kim

Mar 9, 2012

Editors Note: Canna Chef Kim will be teaching cannabis cooking at the next SD ASA meeting on March 13th, 2012 from 7-9pm at the La Jolla Brew House. Stop by and check it out! Written by Canna Chef Kim, Executive Director of Mother Earth Co-op, Serving San Diego MMJ Patients Since 2005 Civilizations throughout the world have realized the benefits of cannabis...

Imperial Beach Initiative Would Regulate Dispensaries and Repeal City’s Ban

By: Eugene Davidovich Medical marijuana advocates unveiled a proposed ballot measure this week for the City of Imperial Beach that would create zoning and operational standards for medical cannabis dispensing collectives and cooperatives. IMPERIAL BEACH, CA – Medical marijuana patients and advocates with San Diego Americans for Safe Access, a local chapter of...

San Diegans Protests Federal and Local Assault on Medical Marijuana Patients Rights

By: Eugene Davidovich SAN DIEGO – On Thursday February 16th at noon, activists, patient advocates, and concerned citizens from all walks of life converged on federal courthouses in states and cities across the nation in a coordinated effort to voice their opposition to the continued federal and local assault against medical marijuana patients’...

San Diego Rally for Safe Access Feb 16 at Noon

San Diego Rally for Safe Access Feb 16 at Noon

Feb 2, 2012

The time has come to stand up and speak out against the mass eradication of Medical Cannabis in our City and State! The aggressive, anti-medical marijuana efforts of Obama’s Justice Department, including more than 100 DEA raids, dozens of federal prosecutions, as well as threats to landlords and elected officials, have harmed more law-abiding patients than...

Supreme Court to review key case, Download new letter from ASA

Americans for Safe Access (ASA) scored a big victory this week when the California Supreme Court agreed to review Pack v. Long Beach and Riverside v. Inland Empire Patient’s Health and Wellness Center. The Pack decision held that some dispensary regulations may be preempted by federal law, and the Riverside decision held that localities could legally ban...

Club One Collective – Federal Court Update

A team of attorneys along with six defendants were in Department 5 of the San Diego Federal Courthouse Tuesday, January 10, 2012, before Judge Anello to file a motion to continue an alleged case of conspiracy to distribute and manufacture cannabis, among other charges typical of the injustice of federal interference in California state law. The motion was...

Medical Marijuana Advocacy Group Launches Week of Medical Marijuana Defendant Court Support

Patient advocates take action against District Attorney and Mayor hopeful, Bonnie Dumanis’ fierce fight against patients’ rights to grow and use medical marijuana San Diego, CA – The San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access (SDASA) – the country’s largest grassroots medical marijuana advocacy group – urges its members to bear...

Medical Cannabis Educational Rally and March 12-26

Medical Cannabis Educational Rally and March 12-26

Dec 19, 2011

The federal government has begun a crackdown on legitimate medical marijuana patients, caregivers, and providers. In San Diego alone as a result of Federal threats, hundreds of safe access locations have been shut down causing legitimate patients to go without their doctor recommended medicine as well as helping crime rise in our City. The San Diego Chapter of...

Stop the Attack: California

On October 7, 2011, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a crackdown on medical cannabis patients’ cooperatives, collectives, gardens, and others. The scope of the crackdown is shocking. Federal officials and agencies are threatening providers, growers, and property owners. They are seeking to intimidate elected officials, financial service providers,...

Occupy San Diego – San Diego ASA Stands in Solidarity

Occupy San Diego – San Diego ASA Stands in Solidarity

Oct 10, 2011

San Diego ASA stands in solidarity with the Occupy San Diego movement! We’ve occupied the San Diego Civic Plaza in solidarity with the Occupy SD Movement since Friday! Come out today and join the movement, find the SD ASA corner next to Canvass for a Cause right in the middle of Civic Center Plaza and help us stand up against the latest aggressive tactics...

San Diego ASA stands in solidarity with the Occupy San Diego movement!

San Diego ASA stands in solidarity with the Occupy San Diego movement!

Oct 8, 2011

Find the SD ASA corner next to Canvass for a Cause tonight (Saturday October 11) at the occupation of the San Diego Civic Center Plaza and stand up against the latest aggressive tactics against patients! For more information call 619-303-1918 Ext...

ASA California Tour is coming to San Diego

ASA California Tour is coming to San Diego

Aug 30, 2011

Dear ASA Members and Friends, Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is visiting cities all over California to train and empower medical cannabis patients, providers, and advocates. We will be conducting a free Know-Your-Rights and Raid Preparedness Training in each city, followed by very special city-wide Stakeholders’ Meeting. Please plan to attend these...

Tell Governor Brown to veto SB 847 and AB 1300

Dear California ASA Members & Friends, There are two bills on the Governor’s desk that will severely limit safe access to medical cannabis in California. Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is calling on supporters to contact Governor Jerry Brown today and ask him to veto SB 847 and AB 1300 to protect local access in our communities. Can you take a few minutes...