San Diego District Attorney Dumanis Focused on Victimizing Patients and Ignoring Exculpatory Evidence in Medical Marijuana Cases

San Diego District Attorney Dumanis Focused on Victimizing Patients and Ignoring Exculpatory Evidence in Medical Marijuana Cases

Mar 11, 2015

By Terrie Best – San Diego ASA March 11, 2015 San Diego, CA – Legal medical cannabis patients Mark Gillingham, Jeff Russell and Deviyon Carter were in court today to suffer a preliminary exam at the hands of a San Diego prosecutor in a medical cannabis cultivation case. All three men are patients, have doctor recommendations and are entitled to collectively...

VICTORY! Local VA – Stops Denying Pain Meds to Veterans

VICTORY! Local VA – Stops Denying Pain Meds to Veterans

Mar 10, 2015

March 10, 2015 By Marcus Boyd, San Diego Americans for Safe Access As a follow-up to the January 18 article titled; ACTION ALERT: Local VA – Stop Denying Pain Meds to Veterans, today we claimed victory on our petition which gathered over 20k signatures in less than two months! Thank you to everyone who signed and who shared the petition online,...

You’re Invited! SD ASA’s 215 Party of 2015

You’re Invited!  SD ASA’s 215 Party of 2015

Jan 26, 2015

ACTION ALERT: Local VA – Stop Denying Pain Meds to Veterans

ACTION ALERT: Local VA – Stop Denying Pain Meds to Veterans

Jan 18, 2015

by Marcus Boyd*  – Vice Chair SD ASA *a Service Related Disabled Veteran In response to a call for action by Cal NORML Deputy Director Ellen Komp, we ask that you sign and share this online petition titled; Restore the High Quality Healthcare Veterans have Earned. Be sure to see “How to Help” at the bottom of the...

Feds Defy Court Order, Don’t Return Medical Cannabis

Feds Defy Court Order, Don’t Return Medical Cannabis

Nov 8, 2014

November 8, 2014 By Terrie Best, San Diego Americans for Safe Access Babbette Kurtz, a resident of northern California got a taste of border town, USA when she, a state legal cannabis patient, was stopped and arrested while her Jeep, medical cannabis and possessions were confiscated at a US Border Patrol checkpoint in San Diego County.  The stop happened in...

California Narcotic Officers’ Association Bent on Increasing Arrests for Under an Ounce of Medical Marijuana

California Narcotic Officers’ Association Bent on Increasing Arrests for Under an Ounce of Medical Marijuana

Oct 4, 2014

October 4, 2014 By Terrie Best – San Diego Chapter – Americans for Safe Access San Diego, CA – If the California Narcotic Officers’ Association didn’t break your heart as a cannabis patient with their discovered and widely circulated “Marijuana is NOT Medicine” Training Manual, a new article found in their Summer 2014 Newsletter will surly...

Seriously Ill Medical Marijuana Patients File Federal Lawsuit Against San Diego Officials for Rights Violations

Seriously Ill Medical Marijuana Patients File Federal Lawsuit Against San Diego Officials for Rights Violations

Sep 24, 2014

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release: September 24, 2014 Contact: San Diego Americans for Safe Access 619-651-0706 Seriously Ill Medical Marijuana Patients File Federal Lawsuit Against San Diego Officials for Rights Violations San Diego couple were acquitted by a jury after enduring a questionable paramilitary-style raid on their property San Diego, CA — A...

Charges Dismissed Against San Diego Medical Cannabis Delivery Driver

Charges Dismissed Against San Diego Medical Cannabis Delivery Driver

Sep 17, 2014

By Terrie Best – San Diego Americans for Safe Access September 17, 2014  San Diego, CA – Jose Calva, a young medical cannabis patient who was arrested while delivering cannabis medicine, has had charges of possession of marijuana for sale and transportation for sale dismissed in Downtown San Diego Superior Court yesterday before Judge Walsh. Jose was...

Medical Marijuana Patient Headed for Costly Trial Over 39 Grams of Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Patient Headed for Costly Trial Over 39 Grams of Marijuana

Jul 27, 2014

By Terrie Best San Diego, CA – Jose Calva a legal medical marijuana patient and his attorney, Michael Cindrich went before judge Jay M. Bloom downtown Wednesday to hear the evidence against Jose in a preliminary examination.  Clayton Carr, who is a brand-new Deputy District Attorney, called two witnesses: the arresting police officer and a San Diego Police...

July 2014 SDASA Chapter Meeting

July 2014 SDASA Chapter Meeting

Jul 7, 2014

San Diego Americans for Safe Access July 2014 Chapter Meeting New Location! Kafe Sobaka 2469 Broadway, San Diego, 92102 619-297-4007 or 619 702-2007 Building west of Cricket Wireless July 8, 2014 (and every second Tuesday of the month) 7:00PM – 9:00PM Mingle and meet your new and returning ASA representatives. And, catch up with special guest and...

Congratulations NEW SDASA Steering Committee Members!

Congratulations NEW SDASA Steering Committee Members!

Jun 27, 2014

Dear Friends and Members of San Diego Americans for Safe Access, It is with pride and gratitude that I introduce our new steering committee members. As many of you know, Eugene Davidovich who has selflessly led this chapter since 2009, decided not to run for chair of the San Diego ASA steering committee this year. His Chair position, along with the other...

House votes to block the DOJ from spending money on medical marijuana investigations

House votes to block the DOJ from spending money on medical marijuana investigations

Jun 1, 2014

I can’t keep myself from congratulating the staff at Americans for Safe Access … for all of their work to help make this happen. […] ASA is the one organization dedicated to medical marijuana issues exclusively–[…]–and the vote is a huge win for ASA’s constituency and its staff.

Medical Marijuana Patients Launch Not Dumanis Campaign

Medical Marijuana Patients Launch Not Dumanis Campaign

May 30, 2014

San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access (ASA) launches website to draw public attention to District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ fierce fight against medical marijuana patients as well as her many other failures in office. SAN DIEGO, CA – In her service as San Diego County District Attorney, Bonnie Dumanis has undermined the most...

Civic Engagement May be First Step to Expanding Medical Marijuana Ordinance

Civic Engagement May be First Step to Expanding Medical Marijuana Ordinance

Apr 24, 2014

By Terrie Best I want what the City of San Diego is now calling a Medical Marijuana Consumer Cooperative (MMCC) in my neighborhood but nowhere in my community is there an appropriate zone.  Expanding the allowable zones for MMCC’s will be challenging but according to the Planning Division, a Division of the Planning, Neighborhoods and Economic Development...

The Origin of 420, a Party – or Prohibition?

The Origin of 420, a Party – or Prohibition?

Apr 20, 2014

While many people view April 20th (and 4:20) as a day and time to celebrate ‘a weed‘ by partying, most prohibitionists see 420 as another reason to weed-out cannabis. According to High Times Magazine, the origin of code ‘420’ dates back to a 1971 group of partying teens – known as The Waldos. However, last year I discovered...