San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force Meeting Update

By Eugene Davidovich November 6, 2009 2:15pm San Diego ASA would like to extend a sincere thank you to each and every one of the task force members for volunteering their time and energy as well as for being patient in hearing out the recommendations and opinions of concerned citizens and patients alike. Today the San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force met for...

San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force Final Meeting

By Eugene Davidovich The San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force will meet for the fifth and final time on Friday November 6, 2009. The issues on the agenda include zone use for locations of dispensing collectives and cooperatives, how to verify that the operation is non profit, permitting, as well as the final approval of a draft Medical Marijuana Task Force...

San Diego Planning Comission – MMJ Issue Not Heard

By Eugene Davidovich Today on the agenda for the San Diego Planning Commission, the determination for zoning of a medical marijuana cooperative was to be discussed. New Earth Beginnings a local non profit cooperative had applied and paid the required $5,010.00 to have the commission examine the issue. The official agenda item read as follows: NEW EARTH...

San Diego Planning Commission to Hear Medical Marijuana Zoning Issue

by Eugene Davidovich November 5, 2009 at 9am the San Diego Planning Commission will meet to discuss a request by New Earth Beginnings for a determination regarding the appropriate zoning use category and subcategory for medical marijuana cooperatives and collectives in the city. The agenda item is listed below: NEW EARTH BEGINNINGS – PROJECT NO. 193751 City...

San Diego Mayor Will Participate

by Eugene Davidovich “Office of the Mayor will be involved in the final decisions once that point in the process is reached” Ron Lacey, Office of the Mayor San Diego ASA and many in the city have urged the Mayor to participate in the task force. The Mayor’s office has issued a statement : The City Council has taken the lead on this matter and the...

Office of the Mayor WILL be involved in MMTF

by Eugene Davidovich “Office of the Mayor will be involved in the final decisions once that point in the process is reached” Ron Lacey, Office of the Mayor San Diego ASA and many in the city have urged the Mayor to participate in the task force. Here is a reply from the Mayor’s Office received about 1 hour ago to a letter by a concerned citizen: From:...

San Diego Americans for Safe Access Rally to Urge Mayor Participation in Task Force

by Eugene Davidovich As the San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force (MMTF) prepares to meet on Friday November 6, 2009 for the fourth time to deliberate on regulations for the operation of medical marijuana collectives and cooperatives in the city, the Mayor o San Diego still refuses to sit down and work with patients and community members to come up with...

Come out Tomorrow 9am; Urge Mayor to Participate in Task Force

Urge the Mayor to participate with the Task Force Rally will be held TOMORROW in front of 202 “C” St. San Diego CA 92101 – 9am – 11/3/2009 Come out on Tuesday, November 3rd 2009 at 9am and urge the Mayor and Chief of Police to participate in the Medical Marijuana Task Force. The San Diego Medical Marijuana Task force met on Thursday October 22, 2009...

San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force Meeting #4 10/30/2009

The San Diego Medical Marijuana Task force will meet Friday October 30th, 2009, for the fourth time to deliberate on regulations for medical marijuana collectives and cooperatives in the city. One of the items presented to the task force will be a public opinion poll of City of San Diego residents conducted by Elizabeth Sheld of Competitive Edge Research and...

Checking Bonnie’s facts – San Diego City Beat

Was the D.A. leveling with us at her pot-raid news conference? By Dave Maass After the Sept. 9 raids on 14 medical cannabis dispensaries, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis issued a press release gloating about how she shut down the operations of “drug dealers.” Yet, Dumanis provided very little evidence to back up her blanket claims. CityBeat presents this...

Congressional Medical Marijuana Bill Lifts Ban on Evidence in Federal Court

For Immediate Release: October 27th, 2009 “Truth in Trials” Act corrects unfair trials, complements recent DOJ guidelines Washington, D.C. — U.S. Representative Sam Farr (D-CA) and more than twenty original bipartisan co-sponsors introduced legislation today that would allow defendants in medical marijuana cases the ability to use medical...

San Diego ASA Meeting Tonight at 7pm

Come out to learn whats going on in the community, the state, and the nation. The San Diego ASA meeting starts tonight at 7 pm at: 6070 Mt. Alifan Dr. Ste 202 San Diego, CA 92111

COURT SUPPORT – Joseph Malone – Monday 9am

Court Hearing for Joseph Malone – 9:00 AM – MONDAY OCT 26 – will be assigned a trial courtroom from Department 11. San Diego Superior Court -220 W Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 Joseph is on trial for operating a medical cannabis collective. He was arrested and charged as a part of the Operation Green Rx investigations that have been ongoing for...

San Diego Medical Marijuana Task Force – AGENDA FOR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2009, AT 9:00 A.M.

Come out and support the medical marijuana task force as they deliberate and attempt to come up with regulations. The regular task force meeting is this Thursday morning at 9 am. Help protect safe access in San Diego. Come and speak, as there is ample opportunity for public comment and your voices are needed. Below is the official agenda for the meeting on...

Peaceful Protest / Rally Against CNOA -Thursday – October 22 – 5:30pm Doubletree Hotel

Peaceful Protest / Rally CNOA 2009 Awards Ceremony Thursday – October 22 – 5:30pm Doubletree Hotel 7450 Hazard Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92108 The California Narcotics Officers Association is holding their annual awards ceremony in San Diego this year. Some of the officers receiving awards are being recognized for their efforts in eradicating medical...