Medical Marijuana Advocacy Group Launches Week of Medical Marijuana Defendant Court Support

Patient advocates take action against District Attorney and Mayor hopeful, Bonnie Dumanis’ fierce fight against patients’ rights to grow and use medical marijuana San Diego, CA – The San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access (SDASA) – the country’s largest grassroots medical marijuana advocacy group – urges its members to bear...

Rep. Filner Speaks at San Diego ASA Rally

On December 26th 2011, Congressman and San Diego Mayoral Candidate Bob Filner spoke in support of medical marijuana and patients’ rights at the San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access Medical Cannabis Educational Rally in Ocean Beach,...

Medical Cannabis Educational Rally and March 12-26

Medical Cannabis Educational Rally and March 12-26

Dec 19, 2011

The federal government has begun a crackdown on legitimate medical marijuana patients, caregivers, and providers. In San Diego alone as a result of Federal threats, hundreds of safe access locations have been shut down causing legitimate patients to go without their doctor recommended medicine as well as helping crime rise in our City. The San Diego Chapter of...

Advocates, Local Officials Urge Supreme Court to Review Long Beach Medical Marijuana Case

Amicus ‘friend of the court’ brief filed yesterday also seeks depublication of a widely misinterpreted ruling San Francisco, CA — A coalition of advocates and public officials filed an amicus ‘friend of the court’ brief yesterday, asking the California Supreme Court to take the appeal of Pack v. City of Long Beach, a controversial...

Medical Marijuana Advocates Appeal Conviction of San Diego Dispensary Operator

Court to decide on legality of “sales” & whether dispensary operators are entitled to a defense San Diego, CA — Medical marijuana patient advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) today appealed the September 2010 conviction of San Diego dispensary operator Jovan Jackson in a case that has received widespread attention. The case...

Stop the Attack: California

On October 7, 2011, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a crackdown on medical cannabis patients’ cooperatives, collectives, gardens, and others. The scope of the crackdown is shocking. Federal officials and agencies are threatening providers, growers, and property owners. They are seeking to intimidate elected officials, financial service providers,...

Will Bonnie Dumanis walk her talk on marijuana?

Will Bonnie Dumanis walk her talk on marijuana?

Nov 5, 2011

Will Bonnie Dumanis walk her talk on marijuana? Guest post by Alex Kreit on Two Cathedrals As you may have seen, Bonnie Dumanis issued a statement Wednesday “clarifying [her] position on medical marijuana.” The statement articulates a reasonable — even admirable — position that seems designed to appeal to the moderate voters she’s trying to court. In...

Patient Advocates Sue Obama Justice Department Over Medical Marijuana Crackdown

Lawsuit uses 10th amendment to challenge federal overreaching and commandeering of state law San Francisco, CA — Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the country’s largest medical marijuana advocacy organization, filed suit in federal court today challenging the Obama Administration’s attempt to subvert local and state medical marijuana laws in...

Occupy San Diego – San Diego ASA Stands in Solidarity

Occupy San Diego – San Diego ASA Stands in Solidarity

Oct 10, 2011

San Diego ASA stands in solidarity with the Occupy San Diego movement! We’ve occupied the San Diego Civic Plaza in solidarity with the Occupy SD Movement since Friday! Come out today and join the movement, find the SD ASA corner next to Canvass for a Cause right in the middle of Civic Center Plaza and help us stand up against the latest aggressive tactics...

San Diego ASA stands in solidarity with the Occupy San Diego movement!

San Diego ASA stands in solidarity with the Occupy San Diego movement!

Oct 8, 2011

Find the SD ASA corner next to Canvass for a Cause tonight (Saturday October 11) at the occupation of the San Diego Civic Center Plaza and stand up against the latest aggressive tactics against patients! For more information call 619-303-1918 Ext...

City Council Votes to Repeal Medical Marijuana Consumer Cooperatives Land Use Ordinance

City Council Votes to Repeal Medical Marijuana Consumer Cooperatives Land Use Ordinance

Sep 27, 2011

By: Terrie Best, San Diego Americans for Safe Access In the afternoon session of today’s San Diego City Council Meeting, The Council voted 7 to 1 to repeal the restrictive zoning ordinance which, if allowed to pass would have identified zones for medical marijuana collectives to exist but at the same time relegated them to far flung industrial areas and...

Main Chapter Meeting Tonight – 9/13- 7pm – La Jolla Brew House

Dear Friends and ASA Supporters, The San Diego Chapter of Americans for Safe Access will be holding its main monthly meeting tonight from 7-9pm at the La Jolla Brew House Restaurant at 7536 Fay Ave, La Jolla 92037 Tonight we will be discussing both National and Local issues regarding access to medical marijuana. For the discussion about local issues as well as...

9.9.9. Raids Remembered

9.9.9. Raids Remembered

Sep 9, 2011

By: Eugene Davidovich The month of September has eternally been etched into memories of medical marijuana patients in San Diego. September 9th, marks the second anniversary of District Attorney (DA) Bonnie Dumanis’ Operation Green Rx raids; the largest one day swat style assault against medical marijuana access in San Diego County’s history. In the early...

ASA California Tour is coming to San Diego

ASA California Tour is coming to San Diego

Aug 30, 2011

Dear ASA Members and Friends, Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is visiting cities all over California to train and empower medical cannabis patients, providers, and advocates. We will be conducting a free Know-Your-Rights and Raid Preparedness Training in each city, followed by very special city-wide Stakeholders’ Meeting. Please plan to attend these...

Tell Governor Brown to veto SB 847 and AB 1300

Dear California ASA Members & Friends, There are two bills on the Governor’s desk that will severely limit safe access to medical cannabis in California. Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is calling on supporters to contact Governor Jerry Brown today and ask him to veto SB 847 and AB 1300 to protect local access in our communities. Can you take a few minutes...